No, not you Joy Division, you sound as lovely as ever.
During the last couple of weeks, where I sat in my appartment, studying ... erm, doing feeble attempts to study for my exams, I went through a heavy Joy Division phase. Surprisingly, listening to Joy Division enhances my willingness to keep on reading the same muck over and over again. Anyway, now I'm back home, no university, no classses, basically, nothing really important to do or learn, I just cannot stop listening to Joy Division. Not, that it's a bad thing. It is interesting to listen to Unknown Pleasures or Closer and then to the later post-Joy Division released Still and to mark certain differences, progresses, fine changes in the singing, the lyrics and the music, the rythms, and so on and so on. Could do that all day long.
Anyway, since I declared myself a music blogger almost a year ago, I should direct your attention to the greatest band ever in rock music history. The Greatest! Ever! (Not including The Beatles, of course) So if you've since skipped the Joy Division tracks in your music library, you should immediately start not doing this anymore, because you won't find a better band than this one. Mark my words.
And to those, who haven't had a chance to grab some JD tracks, here's your chance:
From 1979's Unknown Pleasures:
MP3: Joy Division - New Dawn Fades
MP3: Joy Division - Day Of The Lords
From 1980's Closer:
MP3: Joy Division - Heart And Soul
MP3: Joy Division - The Eternal
From 1981's Still:
MP3: Joy Division - Glass
MP3: Joy Division - The Only Mistake
get the records @ amazon

Alright, moving on. Britain's 2006's next big indie thing, behind Arctic Monkeys of course, have a new record coming up. Yep, I'm talking about The Kooks new album. It's called Konk and is supposed to be in stores on April, 11th. There's also a single, as there usually is, it's called Always Where I Need To Be and will be out on March, 31st. So, I found a radio rip, which I'm presenting you now, although, as the word 'radio rip' already indicates, the quality isn't the best.
The new song is typically Kooks-esque, easy lyrics, dancy tunes, straight-to-the-ear tactic, think Sofa Song or See The World, indie pop. Probably'll be all over the dancefloors next month. So, enjoy it now, because it's fun, fresh and invigorating. You can preorder Konk by clicking this.
MP3: The Kooks - Always Where I Need To Be
Oh yeah, queer folk prince Adam Green also has a record coming up called Sixes And Sevens, on which I intend to do a detailed review sometime later, but I couldn't resist to already post a song.
Hence the post title:
MP3: Adam Green - That Sounds Like A Pony
Be sure to expect more to come in the next days.

As it is Saturday night and I have nothing to do, because I'm lacking the ideas and the money to go out tonight, I compiled another mix. Another one. It's taken overhand lately, I know. This time a bit more indie than electro, hip hop, whatever, since this is still The Indie Dancefloor, as I was very kindly reminded lately. Ha, yeah whatever.
By the way, preorder Foals's Antidotes, it is really, really good.
MP3: Andrew Weatherall - Sexual Harassment - I Need A Freak
MP3: Planetakis - Letters To Norway
MP3: Boy Kill Boy - Rosie's On Fire
MP3: Mojib - Underneath
MP3: Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Let's Make Out (Stripe Rmx)
MP3: Giraffes? Giraffes! - The Ghost Of EPPEEPEE’s Ghost
MP3: Foals - Electric Boom
MP3: The Kills - M.E.X.I.C.O.C.U. ->had to be taken down
MP3: Of Montreal - Death Of A Shade Of A Hue
MP3: Thao Nguyen & the Get Down Stay Down - Violet
MP3: Girl Talk - All Eyes On Me
get or preorder the tracks/albums @ beatport, amazon or iTunes
- aaaaaand check out the websites listed at the sidebar!
I'm off