I know, it's only been a week, but since I don't have any excuses for my laziness anymore, I feel guilty. Which means, this is going to be a ridiculously long post with lots of music. I don't have much time, so a few sentences about each albums/songs/whatever should be doing it.
Here we go:

New Goldfrapp album Seventh Tree - old news, I know. Still, it is awesome. It's nothing like Supernature, it's more dreamy, perfectly underlined with Alison's beautiful voice. There are less beats, bass and no Oh la las, but sweet melodies. Kinda like dreaming of a summer's day in a park. Shitty imagery, but hey- it fits. If you haven't ordered your copy of Seventh Tree, do it by clicking this.
MP3: Goldfrapp - Happiness
MP3: Goldfrapp - Road To Somewhere

Alright, new ¡Forward, Russia! Life Processes - out on April 14th. It's, well, different. It slighty lost the raw, tough sound, which was present on Give Me A Wall. I guess, that the thing about second albums. While most(here's my personal view, so no offence) debuts still have the sweat and exhaustion of years and years of playing in dirty, smelly garages or cellars clinging to the record, the second albums get stuffed with all the things the band couldn't afford previously. So, there aren't any orchestras on Life Processes, still it seems more mature, less rough, still very good indeed. Probably because it still sounds like smelly cellar. Check it out for yourself:
MP3: ¡Forward, Russia! - Don't Reinvent What You Don't Understand
MP3: ¡Forward, Russia! - We Are Grey Matter
preorder Life Processes here.

Next: The Whigs, a decent rock band from Athens, Georgia You've probably already heard about them, because they're ALL over the bloigs at the moment. Their sophomore album Mission Control is available for quite a while(January to be precise), but I hadn't had decent rock albums for a while here on my blog -at least I don't remember I do- so it's worth a shot. You'll probably like The Whigs if you're into Nada Surf or Dinosaur Jr, you know, true rock music without any fuss(think keyboards, synths, etc).
MP3: The Whigs - Mission Control
MP3: The Whigs - Need You Need You
preorder your copy by clicking this.

I actually wanted to talk about Guillemots' new record Red, which wouldn't have been a nice review, because it's ..erm awful. Thankfully, the leaked version is a fake, which lets us all hope for a better version of Red to be released in a few weeks. Anyway, so I decided to write a few words about Nick Cave's Dig Lazarus Dig, which is is pretty much amazing. But then it's Nick Cave (and The Bad Seeds, I know, I know), so what'd you expect? Right.
MP3: Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - We Call Upon The Author
MP3: Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - Albert Goes West
Get your copy here.

Next on my list are Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin and their new album Pershing. The release date is set for April, the 8th in the UK and US and here in Germany on May, 13th. The sound is typically SSLYBY, relaxing, refreshing. Perfect for a car ride or laying on your bed on Sunday afternoon, which is basically what I'm gonna tomorrow afternoon. Sunday afternoon, nothing to do, why not listen to Pershing, if it makes me feel good and relaxed? Yep, no downsides. Even if there's storm and rain outside my house, Pershing makes one think of sun and summer. Preorder it here.
MP3: Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin - Some Constellation)
MP3: Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin - Oceanographer

And the list goes on: Be Your Own Pet - I'm getting tired - no, not of Get Awkward, which is a good album tho'. Decent punk and indie. I think, it turned out quite well. I could do the more mature, less rough talk, bla bla bla. I do like it, not as good as their previous works, but decent. Have a listen and if you do agree, preorder it here.
MP3: Be your own pet - Blow yr mind
MP3: Be your own pet - You're a waste
And at the end, a bunch of songs I picked for you to listen to. Over and over and over and over... The Moshi Moshi EP from Digitalism is really cool and should be owned by everyone of you. The rest is also very good, so check it out:
MP3: Cut Copy - Lights & Music (Superdiscount Remix)
MP3: Digitalism - Yes I Don'T Want This
MP3: The Long Blondes - Century
MP3: Munk - Mein Schatzi (Zongamin Remix Bonus Beats)
MP3: Saturna - Pop Rocks
MP3: Autokratz - It's On (Fisher Preyes Remix)
MP3: Au Revoir Simone - Lark (Fisher Preyes Remix)
ye know, websites on the sidebar, check them out for release dates, etc.