I hate Saturday afternoons, because mostly I'm utterly bored, but too tired to do anything 'productive' or/and 'significant', but instead of just sleeping half the day, I'm currently facing sleep deprivation. So, in a manner to entertain myself, I do posts, ridiculously long posts with lots of mp3s, before I go out tonight, starting with an electro/dance mix. Midnight Juggernauts are pretty awesome, aswell as Dystopia and I seriously considering buying it, when it's finally released in Europe. Klaxons and Apparat are self-explanatory, The Glimmers/Princess Superstar track is from Kitsuné's latest goodness BOOMBOX (see pic above), which everyone should own nowawadays. Destroy0r are unsigned and very niiice and the Crystal Castles' track was obligatory, because it's brilliant.
MP3: Midnight Juggernauts - Shadows (Ajax Remix)
MP3: Klaxons - Gravity's Rainbow (Todd Edwards Dub)
MP3: The Glimmers Feat. Princess Superstar - Wanna Make Out
MP3: Destroy0r - Autuhm
MP3: Apparat Feat. Raz Ohara - Holdon (Modeselektor Remix
MP3: Crystal Castles - Air War (Pictureplane. Remix)

Going on with things I love, for example Soulwax and everything that Soulwax do. Especially their newest baby called Most Of The Remixes, which features, well, most of the remixes that Soulwax have done over the past years. It's a double-disc edition and obligatory for everyone to be purchased. I'm waiting for Digitalism to be remixed by Soulwax - or vice-versa. That'd be interesting. Anyway, if you're collecting remixes by Soulwax and lost track of them during the years, here's your chance to complete your collection. Take it!
I'd have put up the Muse track, regarding them being my all-time favourite band and Soulwax being awesome in almost everything, but unfortunately, I don't like the Muscle Museum remix as much as I adore all the others. Nevermind. The rest is still f'ing good.
MP3: Daft Punk - Robot Rock (Soulwax Remix)
MP3: Arthur Agent - Hold Your Head Up (Soulwhacked Mix)

The Black Ghosts will also probably make it on my fictional top ten of 'utter awesomeness in 2007' list. I've already posted their Olivia Newton cover for WESC half a year ago, and forgot to post but not to listen to them since then. I have to admit, I have difficulties to give a stylistic description, which underlines their goodness of being multifarious. Lately, I'm a huge sucker for remixes, half of them are problably from The Black Ghosts remixing or getting remixed another amazing band. Like The Whip:
MP3: The Black Ghosts - Any Way You Choose To Give It (The Whip Remix)
MP3: The Black Ghosts - Any Way You Choose To Give It (Extended Mix)
MP3: The Black Ghosts - The Consequence

I forgot to mention my latest visit to the Maximo Park concert, which is now almost two weeks ago. Well, it was crowded, hot and fantastic. I've also been to see The Films on Thursday; te band played quite alright and I'm going to see them tomorrow again, but this time supporting The Rakes!
The Rakes !!
This is so cool.
In honour of that:
MP3: The Rakes - We Are All Animals
MP3: The Rakes - Suspicious Eyes
and in honour of The Films:
MP3: The Films - Thank Heaven For Little Girls (Maurice ChevalierCover)
MP3: The Films - Holliewould Getaway

................and the list goes on.
My earlier restistance against the new Babyshambles record Shotters Nation is crumbling now. I have to admit, the record is good.
I wouldn't have expected it after the desastrous outburst which was Down In Albion two years ago. The songs are catchy, the tunes are fine, you don't get bored after three songs and you can actually hear and understand Pete Doherty, which was almost impossible since The Libertines' self-titled record.
So, because I'm 'late' on this, I assume, that most of you already have the record.
To all the other doubter's, who like me, refused to listen to it until now, I advise to have a look at the two tracks below and then change your mind. It is really so so much better than Down In Albion.
Then order it @ Juno or Amazon.
MP3: Babyshambles - Unbilotitled
MP3: Babyshambles - Baddies's Boogie

I've finally listened to The Black and White Album, the new Hives record and contrary to others, 'that the new album doesn't live up to expectations, escpecially after Tyrannosaurus Hives', I disagree.
I like The Black and White Album. I like that it is different, stylistic, there are more songs in the range of Little More For Little You and Diabolic Scheme, songs which stood out between the typical songs like Walk, Idiot Walk or now, Tick Tick Boom. I prefer Well Alright, the instrumental A Stroll Through Hive Manor Corridors, T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S. or Giddy Up:
MP3: The Hives - Giddy Up
MP3: The Hives - T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S.
get The Black & White Album here.

Alright, now coming to the end of my post, but before I let you go, I have another couple of songs for you. I wanted to do two mixes today, 'the electro/dance etc' one is at the beginning of the post and the 'everything else' mix is here. The John Neilson tracks were sent to me by his management and the remix is highly recommended! Poney Poney are simply French goodness, Tiga's You Gonna Want Me is also awe- you know. Numbers have a new record called Now You Are This, which can be bought via Southern/Kill Rock Stars and The Hoosiers' track is just for fun.
MP3: Poney Poney - AM Music
MP3: Tiga - You Gonna Want Me
MP3: John Neilson - Hollywood Hills (Cryptonites Remix) 320 Version
MP3: John Neilson - Hollywood Hills (Original Version)
MP3: The Hoosiers - Goodbye Mr. A
MP3: Numbers - Mindhole
get the tracks @ beatport.
- now,
off to reality