...Changing weather...somehow. Oh, I absolutely love quoting band lyrics, even though considering the fact, that nobody but me understands them. Never mind. I'm trying to keep myself from cleaning the house and learning maths. But my parents are coming back in a couple of hours, so I'll be forced to stay in my room and so I'll take that opportunity to learn. Until then, I'll just waste my time with making ridiculous posts on the internet. Exactly like this one.
Anyway, I think, I might put only link to bands from myspace, because if really somebody finds this blog(haha) and has the eager need to look up one of the bands, myspace is the easiest way to get the best impressions of the band. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a super fan of myspace(even though I also have a page), but I'm not so into mp3-sites with uploading your music and so on(means extra work for me). So I'll just stay with myspace, to prefer the lazier side of life.
I also decided to show a bit of my life, as far as possible, I guess. I still have some time, until the ultimate liberty is over and my parents return. So, first, my ridiculously overcrowded wall of my room:
This is my car"Ingo"(yeah, it has a name, but I still have tobaptize it on that name). I'm abolutely into giving dead things stupid male names. I have a bag which is named Arne and travelled last summer trough France with me.I've come to the decision to show a picture of him, too. Well, Ingo first:
I got him as a Christmas present, because my old car(stress the word old!) couldn't get me from point A to point B(says the law, I personally think, it was fine) and had to be brought to the car cementry. So, my parents bought me a new one and here it is. My friend Isa and I also beautified our cars(she also bought herself a car) with stickers from Bromheads Jacket and Goose, both bands we visited their concerts together. Nice, innit? Ah yeah, my lovely bag, who accompanied me throughout last year(vacation, festivals, school holidays):

Anyway, I'm listening to the second playlist, that I made for me and my new musical progress yesterday evening. I'm so kind to write it down now:
- Belle&Sebastian - The Blues Are Still Blue
- Broken Social Scene - Lover's Spit
- Cansei de Ser Sexy - Madonna Dos Infernos
- Cat Power - Could We
- Danielson - Did I Step On Your Trumpet
- Guillemots - We're Here
- Larrikin Love - Happy As Annie
- Marc Collin - In A Manner Of Speaking
- Peter Bjorn And John - Young Folks
- Sebadoh - On Fire
- Someone Stille Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Oregon Girl
- Tapes 'n Tapes - Insistor
- Yo La Tengo - Today Is The day
Up to this point, I can definitely recommend
Larrikin Love, so check it out, if interested.

I have to end this post, because I'm tired. It's still mid of the day, but I already did some sports today and I have to go learn maths, if I want to reach the 5point minimum in the A Levels.
So, farewell.